Lying liar.

Now my kids never wanted to see me and acted bad afterwards. This bitch will say anything to make herself shine. Why not instead of spreading hate she grow up and encourage love? I feel sorry for the two children she squeezed out of her nasty hole. Sorry. But these are no the faces of children that didn't want to see me. At this visit my kids clung to me when we first saw each other. They asked why I couldn't come home and didn't seem to understand where I had been. I'm guessing they were told I ran off to be with someone else when in all reality they had been held prisoner for a year. This was my sons birthday. On this day my son begged to go home with his "dad" and was told no because the new wife's child had school in the morning and they (the new family they made without these two) had to get ready for the days ahead. He asked and asked and was told no over and over again. My daughter begged me to take her with me, she was u...