A few more bits of truth

I have ALWAYS stated my ex lied to have me arrested. I know my words are just that, words. Anyone he tells the story to is made to believe his side and only his, they never take the time to stop and think that he COULD BE lying... Which he in fact is. This post will dive into why I am being alienated, how it happened and why. Recently, I shared my old journal where I privately wrote about things going on in my life those last to years with him. Back then I had it "locked down" to what I thought were true friends that turned out to not be. A few of them had turned on me and were feeding him info in real time as I posted. Which brings me to this... There were a few reasons my ex set me up to be arrested: 1. His girlfriend and her child were essentially homeless and had nowhere to go... He had already twice tried to move her into our home without my knowledge or consent. He even allowed her ass to pack ALL of my belongings, destroy some of mine and my daughters things and d...