Blog full of lies.

(Copied from another place) This was sent to me like many things are. It is a excerpt from my ex husbands new wife's blog. And this is my response. I can only guess she is now denying they have EVER alienated me and I'm the horrible person that hurt my kids so my kids are now choosing not to see me. Sucks for her I have proof I never hurt anyone much less my children and she is nothing more than an idiotic liar. I have begged, pleaded and done everything else I know of to see my children yet I'm denied. My kids are not your step children, they do not live with you and you do not parent them. Why can't you understand this? Your husband has two children wth another woman and they live at his parents home. That doesn't make you a step mother sweetie. Not at all. You are right on one thing and that is you're not terrible person, anyone that would separate a mother from their child and not encourage a healthy relationship is bey...