Blog full of lies.

(Copied from another place) 

This was sent to me like many things are. It is a excerpt from my ex husbands new wife's blog.

And this is my response. 

I can only guess she is now denying they have EVER alienated me and I'm the horrible person that hurt my kids so my kids are now choosing not to see me. 
Sucks for her I have proof I never hurt anyone much less my children and she is nothing more than an idiotic liar. I have begged, pleaded and done everything else I know of to see my children yet I'm denied. 

My kids are not your step children, they do not live with you and you do not parent them. Why can't you understand this? Your husband has two children wth another woman and they live at his parents home. That doesn't make you a step mother sweetie. Not at all. 
You are right on one thing and that is you're not terrible person, anyone that would separate a mother from their child and not encourage a healthy relationship is beyond a terrible person. 

My children haven't gone through anything with me. Nothing. Other than watching their father abuse me. I was the one there for them, I was the one that saw them while he ran around with you and other girls. I may not have been a perfect mother (or wife) but I certainly wasn't a horrible one like you claim. Get your "facts" right little girl, you were not there. 
I hope and pray that no one ever uses your children against you in a horrible game of asshattery and jealousy. 

I would GLADLY work together with the two of you to coparent but sadly that isn't possible due to the fact your husband can't own up to his past lies and admit his wrong doing and you are threatened by me. You are insecure in your marriage and life and see me as an imminent threat. Believe me honey, NOTHING you have do I want because I once had it and now I have so much more. It's all yours. Except for my kids. 
One would hope you'd grow up and guide your husband to make the proper choices surrounding my children but I won't hold my breath. You're nothing more than a jilted insecure little girl. 

Unlike you I don't have to lie about you. You give me more than enough proof to show my children exactly how you acted when they are older. In addition to this blog I have another one with more than you could even imagine. Every single side word you've ever said about me, all the lies and everything else is there. I would think you'd want to mend fences before they are of age and learn the truth. There is nothing that can't be fixed. 
But don't sit there and say you've never been evil, play the victim and act like you've done no wrong. You talk bad about me every chance you get. Here are a few examples. 
I was in another state and you knew! How? Unless you were stalking me you shouldn't have known where I was. And Satan? Honey you don't know me other than what has been told to you by a bunch of people that do not like me. You really should watch your mouth when speaking about your husbands children's mother. 
And then. How exactly does what your friend posted sound like me? Explain please. I don't claim those kids on anything and I don't even try to. You two are the ones claiming them for earned income credit and taking vacations and buying stuff with that money. That's not yours, his parents deserve that money not you. So to me that sounds more like YOU. ALSO, I don't go out and party and I certainly do not and never did do drugs. I didn't choose to not be in their life so therefore I didn't abandon them. So sex, drugs, parties and a free ride are not exactly like me at all. You are the one that slept with a married man. Irregardless of what I may have been doing YOU SLEPT WITH A MAN THAT WAS MARRIED. How can you not understand that is not ok? You weren't saving him from anything, you weren't helping him you were sleeping with a married man. Point blank, end of story.

 Partying. I wish. My partying stopped when I left him and regained my life. I seem to recall the two of you living it up rockstar style while my kids AND YOUR SON sat at home with other people watching them. Where was I? At home with my kids. I haven't been out in god knows how long to a party or anything like I used to when I was with him. That lifestyle isn't for me. Sorry, not sorry. And last but not least. Free ride? Remind me again why he had to file bankruptcy? It wasn't because of me like you've been told. I can show you our old bank statements and what not proving our income going out was more than he brought in. It's simple really, I contributed also but he won't let thy be known... Then it wouldn't appear as if he did all the working and I just sat on my ass. Funny how I have 3 cars all newer than that model you drive. I guess I got those for free huh? Do you still use my Nikon camera, hang up my Christmas decorations and all that other jazz? Yeah you do girlfriend. 😂

What gives you the right to talk about me like that then cry when I speak poorly of you? Do you think I don't see all of this? Because I do. How do you think I have photos of my kids at your sons birthday party? Because there are people that associate with you that think you're a horrid human for the way you act. Not my problem, that's on you. 

And you should probably get your lies straight with yourself and your husband before you go blogging and telling people my "children don't want to see" me or that you don't hear from me. You say one thing and claim you don't hear from me and I don't ask to see them:

And then there is this where I clearly ask and was told no and that a mysterious counselor not ordered by the courts said I wasn't "allowed."

Your very own words contradict themselves. It is CLEAR to see you're a liar. 

I also like to add that your comment about a record is irrelevant and a low blow. I understand low blows and lies are all you can come up with towards me so I really don't take it to heart all that much. However... That doesn't define me and you if ALL people should know your past doesn't depict your future.

 And how do you know me enough to know I wouldn't be setting a positive example or anything about my children or grandchild? And how would you even know I have a grandchild if you're not stalking me? Whoopsie daisy, caught you there. 
You don't know me little girl, you don't know what kind of mother I am and you damn sure don't know anything about any examples I set forth for my children. For the record you're the one setting an example of how to be a horrible woman and mother. You're teaching children it's ok to hate, lie, alienate and be an all out asshole. Don't speak about me, my mothering, my previous marriage or anything unless you saw it first hand and know for a FACT what you are spewing is true. Got it? 

None of this matters in the end. They won't stay children forever and your lies will only get you so far. What exactly are you going to do with yourselves when they learn the truth and that you and that entire family took part in stealing their childhoods? 

Keep bloggin though. Your lies are hilarious and remember if you don't want me to tell the truth about you and mention you on my blogs don't talk about me on yours. It works both ways little girl.

By the way. I know you're reading this RIGHT NOW because I can see you clicking around...  Go ahead, leave that comment honey. Put your big girl panties on. 
But... Know this. I don't read your blog, don't give a shit about your blog and couldn't care any less about your blog. So you don't have to waste your time spewing even more lies about me. 
Put the crazy away. 


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