Its been a while

Since I have updated but that does not mean things havent been happening. First and foremost let me say this: It is absolutely disgusting to me to know that these people continue to alienate my children from me when I am able, willing and ready to love them and be a mother. They do it out of pure hate and in doing so have stolen the childhood of my precious babies! With that being said, today I obtained some records and court documents pertaining to my children. They (of course) are riddled with lies on behalf of the grandmother and filled with contradictions. It seems as if granmommy and "daddy" cant keep their stories in line or decided which lie is better to tell. This is a comment left on my instagram from their father in March of this year. Please notice how he states I was allowed contact but never made it and that I in fact alienated myself in doing so. He states I lied about the hospital and that is refuted in this post But his mother (the guardian...