Its been a while

Since I have updated but that does not mean things havent been happening.

First and foremost let me say this: It is absolutely disgusting to me to know that these people continue to alienate my children from me when I am able, willing and ready to love them and be a mother. They do it out of pure hate and in doing so have stolen the childhood of my precious babies!

With that being said, today I obtained some records and court documents pertaining to my children. They (of course) are riddled with lies on behalf of the grandmother and filled with contradictions. It seems as if granmommy and "daddy" cant keep their stories in line or decided which lie is better to tell.

This is a comment left on my instagram from their father in March of this year. Please notice how he states I was allowed contact but never made it and that I in fact alienated myself in doing so.

He states I lied about the hospital and that is refuted in this post 

But his mother (the guardian) entered this into our court file

Which as you can see clearly contradicts what the "father" stated to me. If I was allowed to see the children why would they have called the police on me for approaching my children? That isnt even what happened either! My ENTIRE family went to the tree lighting just as we do every year and just as I had done prior years. We got out of the cars, walked forward at which point we stopped to find a place to sit and watch. It was at that point my oldest daughter turned around and said "mom Ethan and Katy are behind us" and before I knew it the brothers and sisters had taken off to talk to them. I stood back until my ex father in law told me I could speak with ethan and katy and take a photo.

Please observe that my ex father in laws hand is on my son. He was not in fear of me nor was my child trying to escape me. I should probably also state that the ex father in law was the only party in attendance other than the children. The grandmother nor the father were there. She lied and made it seem like I had followed their family there when in fact it was the ex father in law that spotted me and followed ME.

I will also add as a side note: I never yanked my children out of school. EVER. I did at one point take Ethan out of the elementary school he was in in order to put him in the one in the district his father and I resided in because I told his father I was bringing my children home whether he liked it or not! I was done. I went to the school and un-erolled him then placed him in the new one. His father had me arrested before Ethan was able to attend the new school and instead of being a parent and sending his child to school he put him back at his parents house and back in the old school. Kaitlyn was not even old enough to attend school at that time. I have emails to back all of this up along with a recording of myself talking to the father telling him the abuse stops and the kids come home.

Also, you will see him mention that I showed up with the police and that is true. This man had beat me, lied about it to have me arrested and removed from my home, stole my belongings and alienated me from my children for almost a year. I did not trust him to not say I tried to do something and I feared for my safety and that of my children so I requested an escort. Their father REFUSED to meet me at the DFCS office or the police station because he CLEARLY wanted to intimidate me by bringing his entire family to the meeting.

And one more thing. My ex husband also stated I talked to my mother in law more than I did my children. That is a lie. My mother in law sat in there until my ex husband (who arrived ten mins prior to the end of the visit) got there then she went outside and sat in the car. When she was in there I spoke to my children and the grandmother attempted to speak to my mother in law. 

It was hard to even visit with my children because the girlfriend showed up with her child that had absolutely no manners and was crawling on the floor licking the chair legs. She bought her child ice cream and did not offer mine any (I was going to buy it anyhow so that's not an issue). Yes, the girlfriend came to my visitation with my children when the father was not even there and brought her child. 

Here is one more email where again the father states I was not bound by the TPO totally contradicting his mothers statements. He is also lying about me saying they suggested a date and time and I said I could not come. Yes, my email was hacked but it was nothing like he is making it out to be such as they tried to get me to come see them and allow it and I did not. AGAIN with the lies. There was also more than one attempt, I have email upon email upon email of me literally begging to see my children and them either ignoring or denying. I guess whatever lie floats your boatis the one they tell.

The grandmother also made false statements under oath pertaining to where my children had lived. She claimed they had lived with her since birth and THAT is a lie.

Please also note that she DOES include the fact it was violent and VISIBLE she now however claims that is not true. 

There is much much more along with emails and audio recordings between myself and the grandmother about the abuse put forth by the father. She can be heard CLEAR as day saying she knows her son has an issue and she doesnt know why he acts like he does because he was raised better. 

However, I am still alienated.


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