I'm so absolutely mad at myself for deleting my email account!!!! I cant believe 4 years of blogging to my babies is gone! I still have the XML file and I am going to try and figure out how to import it so the old post will show here but still, that's not the same... Its not "MY BLOG!" UGH But, it gave me a chance to revamp things, change them around to names I wish I had used in the beginning and a new look... And, that's always a plus! For those of you that are now following me here, I am still alienated. They are trying new tactics now to "keep me away" and its just so sad that all of this has to happen. ALL I want is to see my children and have them know I love them. I am not trying to take them away from anyone or anything I simply want to be a part of the life they already have. It takes a sick selfish individual to keep that from happening for no reason what so ever other than hate, jealousy and pure evilness. I find peace in the fact this nightma...