A few old emails.

I have saved absolutely everything and anything. I never shut down my old email accounts from when I was married to E and K's dad. I have emails upon emails of us going back and forth, proof of abuse, photos and all sorts of things.

Here are a few. Please be aware some of them are graphic and disheartening.

This email was written days after I had my twins. My ex husband attacked me in our kitchen to the point I ended up in the hospital having had to have my c section put back together. This was my email to him about that, I had filed papers to separate myself from him and he had begged me not to.

This is one of the many random emails I wrote to him describing how I was sick and tired of the treatment and wanted out.

This email was written after a physical altercation at his parents house when I tried to take my child and leave. They didnt want me to take him and tried to FORCEFULLY take him from me. His dad hit me and knocked me to the ground (there is a police report). I ended up leaving with him and had to leave so fast I left my daughter so my ex mother in law brought her to our home and as she was leaving tried to (and actually did) hit me with her car. I called the police out to my house to file a report on her, she had already pulled over and called them too but lied to them about the incident. My neighbor (who saw the entire ordeal) told a story that matched mine and proved my ex mother in laws to be a lie. Out of the kindness of my heart I decided NOT to press charges on her.

This email was written in response to one of my ex husbands many poor poor me emails. He would generally do this after he had mistreated me in order to enter the "honeymoon" phase. 
This email describes a few things he did to me and how he told me he would lie to the police and tell them I HIT HIM if I ever did tell on him (keep in mind that is exactly what he did do the final night I called for help).

This email is near the end when I FINALLY started to stand up for myself and make threats to tell. It also describes things he did to me and how I protected him for so long.


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