But they don't lie or alienate.
This is how a child is talked to when asking how her brother and sister are. A child. A grown ass woman talked to a 14 year old child like this.
But, they aren't alienators. No way.

If a parent wants to be a stand up person in the lives of their kids YOU LET THEM!
I would also like to point out to all of you that read this blog that support and stand behind my ex and his horrible lying family that no, I DID NOT lose custody in our divorce because of my failure to show up. The only thing I lost in not showing up was a formal visitation plan. My ex nor I had custody of Ethan and Kaitlyn BEFORE he ever filed for divorce or I ever left our home. The papers for temporary guardianship were filed when I knew I was sick with cancer and he was cheating. I was TERRIFIED something was going to happen to me and my children would not be safe from his grips. I knew he was not capable of taking care of them and the last thing I wanted was "my mother" to step in and try and take them. I also knew it was EXTREMELY dangerous for the children to reside in our home, he was violent, abusive and unpredictable.
So I challenge you to ask yourself this.... For someone that claims to love the children so much why are they still residing at his parent home? Why when he claims I was the abusive one and thats why the kids were signed over to his parents did I SIGN THE GUARDIANSHIP papers and why are they STILL at his parents when I have been gone 7 years? Why is he not 100% supporting these kids? Why does he lie about me not having custody and claim I lost in in our divorce when I infact VOLUNTARILY gave it up months prior to the final blow?
Or how about this. How many of the people that he hangs out with NOW actually have met me in person? Been apart of my personal life or seen what he has done to me? None of you. Not a single one. You dont know me, all you know is what you've been told and that's a one sided story by someone that has set out to smear me and his wife that hates me because I came before her and my kids arent hers. Does the God you all worship not tell you to not judge? I think a few of you assholes have your judgey pants to tight.
Or how about this. How many of the people that he hangs out with NOW actually have met me in person? Been apart of my personal life or seen what he has done to me? None of you. Not a single one. You dont know me, all you know is what you've been told and that's a one sided story by someone that has set out to smear me and his wife that hates me because I came before her and my kids arent hers. Does the God you all worship not tell you to not judge? I think a few of you assholes have your judgey pants to tight.
He lies because juvenile records and anything pertaining to custody are private, they are not accessible by the general public like my "criminal history" is that he so loves to claim is the reason I cant see my children.
I will add that police reports (much like the ones I have posted on my other blog that is private) are in fact PUBLIC and I have numerous ones where my friends and neighbors called the police as a result of seeing me being beat, hearing me being beat and my cries for help. If only I had not protected him.
Next up is the email the replacement wife wrote to my child informing her that she would meet her somewhere with the kids but she was not to tell me, her mother. Also included in that email were statements made to my child about how I am a horrible mother and a liar.
This family never stops.
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