Digging through old things.

I have always been stead fast about not allowing people to destroy things from when I was married to your dad. I have boxes and boxes of things for you guys that I have saved. They are forever the past and I would never destroy that for y'all. 
Anyways, I'm sure you don't see too many pics of your mom and dad together so here is a few.... I found them while emptying out my old email to ready it for deletion. 
I don't want to save these but I want you guys to have them... 

This was in March of 2008. I'm not sure where we were or what we were doing. 

This was Christmas eve 2006. 
It's not a very good pic but cell phones weren't the best back then either! Lol 

I laugh at the irony of your dads shirt now. 

Ethan and Katy, here are some photos of you guys from the same year! 

Love you guys so much... I will keep digging for old photos, I know I have a ton somewhere around this house! 

Love, mom. 


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