
Showing posts from December, 2016

Merry Christmas Ethan & Kaitlyn

#ParentalAlienation is very real and it is carried out by abusive cowards not just during the holiday season as a tactic to further vilify and victimize the alienated parent but all year long too. I am and have been the victim of not only PA but #DomesticAbuseByProxy and #MaternalDeprivation for years. My ex husband was a lying abusive violent shell of a man that once the relationship ended and he could no longer physically abuse me chose to keep my children from me. My children have suffered their entire childhood and will have lifetime results they will have to deal with due to this monstrous injustice that has taken place against them. Most often people don't think when they make choices concerning their children, they use children as weapons while not realizing one day their ammo will in fact run out. Don't be a jerk, learn to coparent and do what is best for your child/children... not yourself. If you're a step parent, sit down and let the REAL parents of the child/chi...

To the both of you

Him: I completely and totally understand that you alienate me because you know what you did was wrong and abusive and that because of your personal/social downfalls and need to be superior you cant have the truth coming to light. I understand you hate me because my life is better than what you wanted it to be and I forgive you for calling me unwarranted names because you are simply threatened by my existence and the truths that I tell. You can lie to whoever you want, tell the world you did nothing and I am crazy. When our children are old enough and come to me I WILL SHOW THEM everything I have. I have vidoes of you physically beating, making threats to kill me, photos of you and so many other things... What are those kids going to think when they realzie you stole their childhood out of hatred and the need to cover up what YOU did?  Her: I don't forgive you for anything, you are an insane obsessive stalking lying psycho that put herself into a position she had absolutely n...

More stalking by the crazies!!!!!

The ex husbands wife has visited my blog on stop for years... here is just the last 4 months. The ex husband saved my blogs to his work computer (photos below video) then backed them up to a hard drive at his house.  This is where he was stalking me via his work computer. Notice the dates on the screen shot below? This was from an email that was sent to various people at his former place of employment when they questioned me about him stalking me via his work computer.   What is sad is that instead of stalking me, attacking me on Facebook claiming I'm trying to hack their Facebook and "live vicariously through them" they could be putting the wasted time into bettering themselves for the kids involved. They could be working out a parenting plan to better benefit the children they have destroyed. They could be being better adults, parents and all around humans. Instead, they cant overcome the jealousy in order to grow up and maintain any kind healthy p...

Happy 14th Birthday Ethan

Ethan, my sweet boy... One day we will be together on your birthday, one day you will know how much I love you because I will be able to show you. One day you will be free of the monsters that chain you down and lie to you, one day you will be allowed to love freely without fear of abuse from your alienators. One day you will know how much being without you hurts, one day your brothers and sisters will be able to wish you a happy birthday. One day God will right all of these wrongs baby. I love you, I love you with every breath I breathe and every step I take. NO ONE can ever take you from my heart and that is where I carry you.  You are 14 and they have stolen SO MUCH from us without reason ot right. I hope you know how much you are loved, it is beyond measure my sweet boy! We all love you, happy birthday!#EthanJolly #EthanScottJolly #parentalalienation #pas #parentalalienationischildabuse #parentalalienationawareness #parentalalienationsyndrome #maternalalienation #mater...