Happy 14th Birthday Ethan

Ethan, my sweet boy... One day we will be together on your birthday, one day you will know how much I love you because I will be able to show you. One day you will be free of the monsters that chain you down and lie to you, one day you will be allowed to love freely without fear of abuse from your alienators. One day you will know how much being without you hurts, one day your brothers and sisters will be able to wish you a happy birthday. One day God will right all of these wrongs baby. I love you, I love you with every breath I breathe and every step I take. NO ONE can ever take you from my heart and that is where I carry you. 
You are 14 and they have stolen SO MUCH from us without reason ot right. I hope you know how much you are loved, it is beyond measure my sweet boy!
We all love you, happy birthday!#EthanJolly #EthanScottJolly #parentalalienation #pas #parentalalienationischildabuse #parentalalienationawareness #parentalalienationsyndrome #maternalalienation #maternaldeprivation #domesticviolencebyproxy #ErasedMom #ErasedParent


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