I pity her...

I posted this on favebook but I figured I would post here also... Some good points in this.

You know... I never thought I'd have to deal with a psycho married to my ex who stalks me through fake profiles and seemingly finds joy in doing so.
Even though this "woman" claims to love my children so much she doesn't care to even try to get along with their MOTHER or encourage her husband to co-parent... BUT, instead tries everything she can to prove to ANYONE she can that she's a better mother and wife. Since when is this a competition? Should we not all be working towards the same goal of raising amazing children?
Is her life so pathetic that she has to result to bashing a woman and relationship she doesn't know anything about? She has the person she wanted in her life so why isn't that enough? She got my ex husband, he chose her over me (THANK YOU JESUS for that) so why does she continue to act a fool like she has something to prove?
She thinks I'm jealous and want my life back... No, not at all... Honestly, most days I absolutely pity her.
I feel sad for her, she must be so damn broken inside.


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