Update to the records fiasco

My ex filed a stay in court (against the school board) as you all know to prevent me from obtaining the records.
His claim was filled with lies to paint me as an evil person. He called me sporadic, unstable and told many MANY lies to attempt and paint a better picture of himself. My ex will go on and on and on about how I have a violent history and a criminal record. Attached to this post is my "criminal record" as you can see I have no charges OTHER THAN the incident between myself and my ex. I did plead guilty, I stood no chance in court agaisnt a liar and at that point I was suffering from battered wife's syndrome. I just wanted out of jail and home to my babies and I knew pleading guilty was my ticket home. But no, no criminal record as he and his wife like to state.
Anyhow, the school board filed an answer and ultimately my ex and his mother decided to dismiss their case which in turn gave me full access to my children records and educations. I now have the same rights extended to me under FERPA as my ex and his mother do with very little differences.
My ex and his mother may not want me to be a part of my children's lives but the schools have no issue.
This has to be a hard loss for my ex and I almost feel sorry for him. He's used to being able lie and have everyone listen to him. This time, no one even took his claims into consideration and he was stomped out before he could even open his mouth.
At the end of the day though I am glad he DID LIE on his filing... You see, he told lies that my children KNOW to be false so that will only work out in my favor down the road. That and other things he said are blatantly false and can easily be disproved.
I know that through all of this God has got me. He led me to this and he will lead me through it.

Thank you everyone for your messages and continued support of myself and my precious alienated babies!


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