Hello October 2016 and Happy Birthday Katy

My sweet baby girl turned 11 this year! Oh he glorious it would have been to be able to spend that with her! Yet another year stolen!

Happy birthday my precious Katy baby! Mama loves you more than you could ever imagine and you are so very missed by everyone. One day it won't be like this my little love, one day everyone will be free to love each other! ❤️

Everyone on this side is doing well! All of your brothers and sisters miss you so incredibly much! I hope you're doing amazing in school! I got your report cards and saw how awesome you've been doing and it makes me so happy!
You're doing great!

I wonder if you're still doing gymnastics... your little sister has been asking to get into gymnastics and was excited to hear you had done it too! Right now she's really been begging to do soccer so we are going to try that out.

I hope and pray that you had an amazing birthday and I hope hat you continue to do well in school!

It's almost Halloween! I'm excited! One of my favorite holidays!

I love you and your brother very much!

Your mama


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