
This was said about me by someone I do not even know, at all. I guess someone thinks very highly of themselves? Who knows. I do love though how I am being proven more and more each and every day how obsessed some people are with me.

"I know this type of person all to well as I have myself gone through this. Her kids are not in her custody for a reason. That's not so easily done since the law truly doesn't like taking children from their mothers. Blog that!"

No you're wrong. Her name actually starts with an R. I don't even know you. Stalker... But I do find it FREAKISHLY scary how many times you come to my blog night and day to check up on me, get a hobby. :/
And while you are on it... No one took anything from me you flaming idiot. When someone request custody in a divorce and the other party does not come to court (because I had surgery) BY DEFAULT custody goes to the other party. I have in my custody my other children, did you know that or did someone tell you differently? I cant say the same for my ex because my kids are STILL at his parents. Does one not wonder WHY they live there> Does that not seem ODD that he cant take care of them? Now SS that and make an exscuse for that poor pathetic waste of flesh that cant even take care of his own children that he holds hostage from their mom. :)You should truly keep your little mouth shut when you have no clue what in the hell you are talking about. Thank you for giving me even more to add to my file and show my children when they are the right age. Ill pray for you, to have so much nastiness towards someone you do not even know and to form judgement and opinions of others you have never met makes you look INCREDIBLY ignorant and in no way defines me, it defines you and makes you look obsessive.But please, by all means go ahead and tell me what is not true in the blog I posted? Because the SS that YOU provided states nothing but the truth. :) 

Wait wait, PART TWO!!!

Dear Facebook friends......Please say a prayer for this CRAZY WOMAN!!!!! She is a disgruntled ex wife of a friend of mine. She constantly harasses their family and has been divorced from him for years. She write blogs, send emails post vicious comments, and calls people to try and harass them for no reason. Obviously she needs professional help! please say a prayer or perform an exorcism whichever you deem should come first."

WOW! Im nowhere near crazy honey. Maybe you should know ME and not what is said about me. :) Im in no wway "disgruntled" at all. I absolutely love my life now because I am 100 times better off than I EVER was with that demon. I harrass no one and if I did a judge would have been aware of that and made the request for a permanent protective order active... Instead he DENIED it on all counts without me even going to court. Why didn't I do to court? Because news flash, I do NOT care about any of them AT ALL! I do write a blog, its my story and if you don't like it get lost. I do send emails to my ex mother in law asking her for visitation but thats it. I do not call anyone and if I did I would be in jail the way those people operate. Come on now, are you even reading what you are typing? Seriously? That's an honest to God question. I'm not the one who needs help, the people feeding you lies do and then my children when they get older and have serious mental issues because of this ABUSE. 

Like I stated above, nothing you are saying defines me... Only makes you look crazy and obsessed with someone you don't even know and it gives me so much more to show my children when they are of age.

So Thank you, thank you for proving to quite a few people that they DO INDEED stalk me and obsess over me, you are so awesome.

I don't need prayers from misguided Christians and evil souls either, I am just fine in life on my own taking care of my children (all of them except the ones he holds hostage, lets see him say the same)!


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