Some clarification
I feel as if I need to maybe state this again.

This blog is MY story, it is meant as an outlet to voice things that go on in MY life from dealing with abusers and the many things they may do, say or bestow on me. It is not meant to flame, slander or harass anyone.
With that being said...
I think there are a few people out there that need to learn what a true bully is, what harassment is, what exactly cyber-stalking and slander is.
Let me go into a tad bit of detail on each...
Harassment? HA. I have dealt with this everyday of my life for the last few years from these people. They CONSTANTLY say I am doing things I am not, they lie on me to anyone they may think will side with them and give them pity... Its just crazy!
Cyber-Stalking? I am constantly being followed and if I wasn't then like I asked, how is someone able to know what I posted 9 weeks ago on my PRIVATE INSTAGRAM? Not to mention I have been STALKED in real life... I mean how else did anyone know whee I lived when I moved back from TN? They sure did. Along with knowing when I was visiting certain states and were I was at certain times. THAT is stalking.
Bullying? I live everyday knowing that there are very evil people out there holding my children from me because they are bitter assholes. They cant stand the fact that my children belong to me also so they hold them hostage, lie to them and not only victimize me but victimize my children. They more or less abuse my children by making them victims of Parental Alienation because they are too immature to co-parent and want ALL of the power. That is a bully. A Bully is also someone who hits someone and then cant own up to it and lays blame on others.
Slander? These people will say whatever they can think of that will make me look bad, they have sent letters FILLED with lies tot he courts, they lie to my children, people that don't know me and people that know me...
All of those are things that are done to ME.
I am sorry if someone has an issue with me speaking out. What makes anyone think its ok to run all about town calling me names, making accusations about me to people that don't know me and have NEVER met me? Its not. Not in any way. So I made a place where I could speak, only thing is I am not lying and people have an issue with that. If people would LEAVE ME ALONE, stop lying on me and move on there would not be a problem. If you didn't live a lie with an image to protect there wouldn't be such an issue with my blog. There is only one word for all of this... Narcissism, it is a sickness and I can only pray that each and everyone one of you get better soon! :)
For anyone else, welcome to MY BLOG that contains MY STORY!

This blog is MY story, it is meant as an outlet to voice things that go on in MY life from dealing with abusers and the many things they may do, say or bestow on me. It is not meant to flame, slander or harass anyone.
With that being said...
I think there are a few people out there that need to learn what a true bully is, what harassment is, what exactly cyber-stalking and slander is.
Let me go into a tad bit of detail on each...
Harassment? HA. I have dealt with this everyday of my life for the last few years from these people. They CONSTANTLY say I am doing things I am not, they lie on me to anyone they may think will side with them and give them pity... Its just crazy!
Cyber-Stalking? I am constantly being followed and if I wasn't then like I asked, how is someone able to know what I posted 9 weeks ago on my PRIVATE INSTAGRAM? Not to mention I have been STALKED in real life... I mean how else did anyone know whee I lived when I moved back from TN? They sure did. Along with knowing when I was visiting certain states and were I was at certain times. THAT is stalking.
Bullying? I live everyday knowing that there are very evil people out there holding my children from me because they are bitter assholes. They cant stand the fact that my children belong to me also so they hold them hostage, lie to them and not only victimize me but victimize my children. They more or less abuse my children by making them victims of Parental Alienation because they are too immature to co-parent and want ALL of the power. That is a bully. A Bully is also someone who hits someone and then cant own up to it and lays blame on others.
Slander? These people will say whatever they can think of that will make me look bad, they have sent letters FILLED with lies tot he courts, they lie to my children, people that don't know me and people that know me...
I am sorry if someone has an issue with me speaking out. What makes anyone think its ok to run all about town calling me names, making accusations about me to people that don't know me and have NEVER met me? Its not. Not in any way. So I made a place where I could speak, only thing is I am not lying and people have an issue with that. If people would LEAVE ME ALONE, stop lying on me and move on there would not be a problem. If you didn't live a lie with an image to protect there wouldn't be such an issue with my blog. There is only one word for all of this... Narcissism, it is a sickness and I can only pray that each and everyone one of you get better soon! :)
For anyone else, welcome to MY BLOG that contains MY STORY!
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