Divorce-Related Fetid Fathering Syndrome

The present section provides a beginning definition of the Divorce-Related Fetid Fathering Syndrome, which has been derived from clinical and legal cases. As in all initial proposals, it is anticipated that future research will lead to greater refinement in the taxonomic criteria.
The proposed definition encompasses four major criteria, as follows:
1. A man who unjustifiably punishes his divorcing or divorced wife by: a. Attempting to remove the children from their closest attachment b. Involving others in fetid actions against the mother c. Engaging in excessive litigation
2. The father specifically attempts to "possess" or "access" i.e. control and manipulate what he considers to be his human chattel, i.e. his ex-wife and the children by, among other things, a. Refusing to maintain a regular and consistent visitation schedule, refusing to regularly make payments of child and spousal support, refusing to continue the marital pattern of primary caregiving, etc. b. Attempting to purchase the affections of the children c. Sudden unwarranted and undesired interference with the child(ren)'s school, life, and household routines.
3. The pattern is pervasive and includes fetid acts towards the mother including: a. Lying to the children b. Lying to others c. Violations of law
4. The disorder is not specifically due to another mental disorder, although a separate mental disorder may co-exist. And usually does, albeit it's routinely ignored by therapists and the legal system. It's called Patriarchal Psychosis and Sense of Entitlement.


The above was sent to me by someone that found me on Pinterest via my PA board! FINALLY, I can put a name to what Satan has! I literally feel as if I am reading a book written about he and I!

Let me go into this further...

1. My ex husband has no other way to get under my skin anymore other than holding my children from me, he no longer has his abusive powers over me and that kills him... The only way he can remain powerful over me in his mind is to keep my children from me. A. He removed my children from my life for no good reason. I was there one day and gone the next. B. To this day he along with the people that have physical custody of my two babies REFUSE to set up any visitation schedule whatsoever citing there were told "not to" by an imaginary shrink. C. My ex husband did his best to keep me tied up in court with bogus TPO's and outright lies for the better half of 2 years... His final ploy for a permanent protective order was denied.
2. This one is really hard to explain. My ex husband has "custody" but that is only because I did not show up in court due to a surgery I had that day. By default he gained legal custody but because his parents already had a letter of guardianship the children remained with them in their home. My ex husband does not financially provide for or physically take care of the children the burden of that falls completely to my ex in laws. When I did get to see my children my ex husband showed up with his home wrecker once to a eating palce and then the second time was late all together and the home wrecker showed up with HIS parents and my children. That is trashy, tacky and classless to say the least. That is nothing more than intimidation tactics used by extremely petty people.
3. I am almost positive everyone involved in that family lie to my children on a daily basis, in fact I know they do because I have been told of some of the wild things OTHER people have heard them tell the children. Added to that I know my ex husband also lies to others about me, he will tell anyone anything he can about me to sway their opinion about me and the type of person I am. There are people (one girl named... we shall call her "Barbie") in particular that continues to talk about me like they know me when in all reality they have no clue what so ever what they are talking about. She even took to her Facebook to beg for prayers for my ex family and accuse me of doing something I am not and had not done.
4. I have always said my ex husband had PP (even when I was married to him). He felt a sense of entitlement and like people should bow to him because he is the ultimate shit. He used to go on and on about how he would find one thing wrong with someone and dig at them about it until he made them cry. Hes nothing more than a sad little broken soul that was made fun of too much for his "buck teeth and lack of chin" (his words, not mine) so he lashed out at others!

I pray to God that my children do not follow in the footsteps of this horrible example they are being given. You have a father that does not give one single flying care about them and grandparents that think it is ok to hold them hostage from a loving, willing and more than capable mother. 


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