I just don't know why...

This is a direct copy of a post from my other blog... I just don't understand why people can't leave me alone!

I was attacked by my ex sister in law yesterday more or less. Out of nowhere the crazy woman starts accusing me of stealing pics of her daughter off of her child's website (we think, not sure). No, I would never do that and have no reason to, have I looked at it? Yes, I have tons of friends that share the status's she makes about her precious daughter and the health issues she has but I have never stolen and would never steal her pics so why she is claiming that makes NO SENSE to me.
She then went on to say "I am very upset that this has happened and it has been a portal to hurt others! I do not want to take (child's name) page down because that only means that this person has won." I don't understand what she means by that at all. No one is doing anything to hurt anyone as far as I know? I really think I am lost in all of this honestly. Someone told me they are mad because I posted a photo on my Instagram that was sent to me like 2 months ago (I also posted it two months ago) but it was a photo of MY CHILD that someone took and sent to me, not one she posted and not one of her child and to add like I said it was 9 weeks ago.
I almost think she is just using her daughters condition to drum up sympathy and put people on the war path against me... But then the other half of me really hopes and prays no one would ever do that! She also says I have personally attacked her family which is not true, I may state things and tell my story but I have done NOTHING to this family at all. I keep my distance because frankly I along with tons of other people think they are extremely dangerous lying conniving narcissistic people. If anyone is "bullying" anyone it would be that family, they talk about me wrongly to anyone who will listen and give them pity, they wrongfully accuse me of things and lie about things I have said or done int he past. They claim me to be all sorts of things I am not and they keep my children away from me for absolutely no reason other than they want to have control and power over me.
It makes me sick that someone would draw attention to a child such as this and use this as their ploy to create drama. Just sick.

I know these people read my blog and I am asking nicely like I have many many many times before to leave me alone. Unless you are trying to make contact with me to set up visitation with my children do not look at my pages, seek me out or even speak about me. I don't care about you, your child or anything having to do with any of you.
I do pray for all of you every single day. To my ex sister in law, I pray that your child stays healthy and happy and I pray that my ex husband can truly be the man of God he claims to be and let me see my kids. I pray that My ex husbands wife realizes she has no reason or warrant to dislike me, I didn't sleep with her husband she in fact did sleep with mine. It doesn't matter what goes on in a marriage, you don't put yourself between a woman and a man.. End of story. So for her I pray. I also pray that she does not have to endure what I did married to that evil broken soul.
I pray that my ex husband can lift himself up and be a better father to the children we have that he shuns off to his parents. I pray that my ex in laws do the right thing and realize their son needs help and is not making the right choices when it comes to his children and most of all I pray for peace. I pray that you people will either do the right thing or forget I exist. But remember each time you look at my sweet babies they are MINE, they came from me and without me you wouldn't have them... Maybe you should do the Godly thing and let me be a part of their lives.

I understand in a time like this you would hope for me to lash out, that's not me. No matter how badly you want to portray me as what you do it just simply is not me. I have a better life than ANY of you could EVER hope to have. I am at peace with my past demons, I can admit to my wrongs and own up to them and I can say what I did wrong... I cant say the same for ANY of you at all.

So in closing I wont be making dramatic post begging for attention. I don't use fake names or accounts to access anything and I dang sure didn't steal any photos of anyone's children so stop the lies and ploys for attention. If I need to say something to anyone I have no issues posting it here or sending a message and they very well know that! You ALL NEED to put down the spoon and stop stirring a pot that has been cleaned out a long LONG LONG time ago because at this point you and the rest of the bunch are starting to look EXTREMELY obsessed.

I have unfriended EVERYONE that I know to be friends with any of them, changed my blogs name (not this one, the one where I share my Parental Alienation story), changed my Instagram name and deleted people off of that. I really just want these people to leave me alone! I don't know how they keep gaining access to my private sites but that should tell you something... They claim I am stalking them but yet they know what I am posting on my PRIVATE Instagram? That makes tons of sense, I really don't understand how more people can not see straight through these people. I tell you, its so easy for people to hide their lies and deceit behind religion. SMH

Bless you all, tell MY children their mother loves them.


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