Because there is no answer

I am in a mom group. I have been for a while. Some of the moms in the group have been around since everything went down back in 2010. They listened to my ex abuse me on the phone, one of them sent the police to my house once (I told them we were fine and they could leave), a lot of them helped me after he had me falsely arrested. So, one of them took it upon them selves to try and reason with the ex and see if they could get some answers. I did not ask this person to do this and I almost wish they hadn't. But, the answers or lack there of are absolutely comical at best to me. He has absolutely no problems about bashing me in private messages or on the phone but he wont EVER put it out there publicly because, it isn't the truth. He, she and his entire family lied and they know it. They know one day these kids will realize them for what they are and they don't want anymore hard evidence to swing it my way. I get it, I understand. I just still feel like this could all end so much better if he, she and they would just own up to the truth.
The simple truth that I NEVER did anything wrong other than be a bad wife. I never hurt my children or anything of the sorts. There was never a reason to keep me away from my kids other than the pure need to hurt me. There was also never any reason to ever involve my kids and tell them anything more than "Mom is not here, she loves you." My kids have been told outrageous things (lies) that CHILDREN should never have to hear even if it had all been the truth,

Its that simple, TELL THE TRUTH! 

I do not know what the comments that are deleted said, I have him blocked on this app and do not converse with him and I cant even see him. These are not my screen shots and for the integrity of all parties involved I have blacked out the names. 


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