I forgot to mention

So many blog post for today, but it is a new one and I probably should have combined all of my rampant thoughts into one but oh well. Anyways, I forgot to mention that since my ex husband cut off contact and failed to take care of the children on his own I have been making video blogs to my babies! That's right, every single missed birthday, Christmas and any other holiday has been documented via video of me saying hello to them along with telling them how much they are loved and missed! I also keep a record of each and every single time I make contact trying to see them so they will see it wasn't me who didn't try!

It really breaks my heart to know that certain people could hate a person so much that they would take a way a right to the child to know each of their parents. It breaks my heart to know there are people out there that think it is ok to behave like this, lie like this and try and drag someone through the mud the way they have. And for what? Because you dont like me? Mature. I hope my children see right through your ass-hat lies one day and rise above all of you! My wish for them is that they are better humans than any of you have ever been, better parents, better people all around is what I wish for them!


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