
Y’all. Someone just sent me this. Lmfao

If you know me, you know I don’t get high. Never have, never will. I don’t believe it’s fun.

He fails to mention he beat the shit out of me and THATS why I was at the neighbors house, after weeks of being there and realizing he was with someone... Yes, I moved on. Eventually I went back because he begged me to come home. I still have the email where he promised our son could stay at home and he would quit being violent and cheating.

I also love how he doesn’t mention how he cheated on me 3 times before he beat the shit out of me and kicked me out of our home months after we got married. Or how I had bruises on me the day we got married. You know? Small details. First time he cheated I was pregnant with our son. He left me at home, 8 months pregnant to go hang out with some chick named Lucy. I still have all of the text where I found him talking to her about me. I will never forget the day I found out. I was almost due with our son and he had a meeting to go to. I was going also and had tried my best to look nice. I sat downstairs while he got ready and he had left his AOL open. He was going on and on about he didn’t want the child I was pregnant with, wished I had “gotten rid of it” and wanted to kick me out but couldn’t. Yeah.. I wonder what the friends and our kids would think of that? I wonder if he’s told them that? Probably not.
Lost access to free money? You’re kidding right? Who’s money? Because you sure as shit didn’t have any! You had to file bankruptcy and give a car back because you no longer had access to MY MONEY. Money I still have and use. ๐Ÿ˜‚ BTW, I had a job and paid my own bills when we split. But, you don’t tell anyone that either now do you?!
Being a religious guy? You’re joking again? Right?
Rickety boat? Please. I live better than your ass ever has and ever will! How’s that for rickety?! Police reports, court orders and arrest records? I’ve shown everything but yet these things you say exists, don’t! You have ONE police report from the day I was arrested, and the only court orders are from your bogus ass (that were ultimately denied by a judge because it was deemed you were lying) TPO’s. Arrest records? Lmao. I’ve posted my entire arrest record on my blog and, there isn’t one. I can however if you would like post the multiple police reports I have against you, your mother and your father? They are all for attacking me and include photos of damages done to property and photos of the bruises left on me? Bet the kids would love to see that! Next.
You didn’t get away from shit, I got away from YOU.
You didn’t get full custody, your parents have full custody(guardianship) and have since before our divorce because you don’t give a shit enough about them to take them all full time. I will never understand why you act like I had custody taken from me! I didn’t. In fact I signed them both over to your parents because you were so violent they couldn't stay at home. I made that choice. Not you. You didn’t even have rights to our son (he was born before marriage) and it was my sole choice to sign them over and place them at your parents home. Did you sign the papers too? Yes, because our second child was born in wedlock and you had rights. The only reason you got anything is because I was in the hospital (you claim I’m lying but I have records) and didn’t go to court. Why? Because YOU DIDNT HAVE THE KIDS SO WHY FIGHT YOU?!
You do realize the kids will wise up as they mature and realize that you and that family are liars? They’ll realize there was no good reason to keep them away from me and that you shouldn’t have included them in on adult issues (half of which are lies).
I don’t and never have gotten high. Sorry bud. Anyone that knows me, knows this. I don’t pop up anywhere because I don’t give a shit about you or your “family.” Just my kids.

Someone really needs to smack you in your fucking lying ass face. Maybe that would bring you back to the true reality? I feel that you’ve lied for so long that even you believe your lies.

I feel so bad for our kids. You have lied to them their entire life and probably by saying bullshit like this. It’s easy to lie when only one side of a story is heard.

You can’t get over losing me and it shows. You attack me anytime you can and tell as many lies about me that you can.

I’m thriving and you can’t fucking stand it! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

Tell the truth.

Btw. To anyone reading this that wants to believe for a second I do drugs or have I have drug test for every single year since we were married to prove I didn’t and don’t. I had to have them done every 6 months while we were married (For a DFCS case and he knows that).
I then had them done every 6 months (hair) after the fact because I knew he would try this. I have never done drugs.
I take that back... I’ve smoked weed once in my entire life and that was before I met him. I drank shroom tea one time however, I was not aware what I was drinking. He won’t tell you how he got high with my best friends husband and ate the dog biscuits though. ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿป‍♀️


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