Accusations are just that

For everyone that believes his story of “she beat the shit out of me.”
That’s not what happened. 
He hit me and I hit him back in defense. He got a scratch on his face from my nail.
I have a photo he posted the day after it happened, there are no marks. 
I also have my booking photos. Complete with handprints, footprints and bite marks on my back and arm. 
 I chose not to have him arrested that night. In Ga when they is evidence between both parties of violence they both go. I chose not to file any charges against him because he was the father of my kids and I didn’t want him to lose his job. 
This is the warrant they obtained for me. As you can see there is no mention of the injuries he likes to tell people he had. 
None. He’s lying. 
The holes on our walls? They were there. Some were from him pushing me through walls and some were from me throwing things to make him back off. 
I did not kick or punch holes in the wall and I was in fact fixing the holes when the police showed up.
I also have proof the holes were there before that night. Not only that but I have a video recording of him putting my head through the wall which caused a hole. A hole which he told the police I caused that night.  
Added to all of that I have an email I sent to our landlord 2 weeks prior about the holes. Holes he claimed I caused that night. 

So. Yeah. 
Tell another one and I’ll keep telling the truth. 


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