
Showing posts from 2014

All the same

God will love you no matter what, just be honest with him, yourself and everyone that surrounds you. If you are truly one with God then nothing you admit to can make a difference. Living a lie is not anyway to live. If you have done things in the past you are ashamed of and feel you must now lie about in order to live how you would like to or have people think you do thats no way to live, it will always haunt you and you will never be right with it. Admit your wrongs, get right with God and move on!

Are you wearing BLUE?

Today is a day close to my heart. As someone who is a victim of a very sad little persons rentless campaign to smear me I deal with bullying everyday!  October is National Bullying Prevention Awareness Month and today just so happens to be World Day of Bullying Prevention! Help stomp out bullying by raising awareness! 


I bought this domain and dont want to host it on the current service anymore so I have moved it. It may take it a few days to show up on the new one! :) Dont worry, everything will be right back and nothing lost! I also now have a guest blogger so I am excited about that! UPDATE!!! Apparently it is taking a few to fix the "name servers" so who knows when it will be back, shouldn't be too much longer! :)


This was said about me by someone I do not even know, at all. I guess someone thinks very highly of themselves? Who knows. I do love though how I am being proven more and more each and every day how obsessed some people are with me. "I know this type of person all to well as I have myself gone through this. Her kids are not in her custody for a reason. That's not so easily done since the law truly doesn't like taking children from their mothers. Blog that!" No you're wrong. Her name actually starts with an R. I don't even know you. Stalker... But I do find it FREAKISHLY scary how many times you come to my blog night and day to check up on me, get a hobby. :/ And while you are on it... No one took anything from me you flaming idiot. When someone request custody in a divorce and the other party does not come to court (because I had surgery) BY DEFAULT custody goes to the other party. I have in my custody my other children, did you know that or did someone tell y...

Why would you do this to children you claim to love?

Maternal Deprivation Abuse is the same thing as Paternal Alienation. For more info on this and statistics please visit the website below!

QOTD 10-3-2014

Its been years and everyone has moved on. Don't you think it is time to stop the madness and let your children have a good childhood? I do.

Divorce-Related Fetid Fathering Syndrome

DEFINITION The present section provides a beginning definition of the Divorce-Related Fetid Fathering Syndrome, which has been derived from clinical and legal cases. As in all initial proposals, it is anticipated that future research will lead to greater refinement in the taxonomic criteria. The proposed definition encompasses four major criteria, as follows: 1. A man who unjustifiably punishes his divorcing or divorced wife by: a. Attempting to remove the children from their closest attachment b. Involving others in fetid actions against the mother c. Engaging in excessive  litigation 2. The father specifically attempts to "possess" or "access" i.e. control and manipulate what he considers to be his human chattel, i.e. his ex-wife and the children by, among other things, a. Refusing to maintain a regular and consistent visitation schedule, refusing to regularly make payments of child and spousal support, refusing to continue the  marital pattern  of primary caregiv...

What month is it?

The month of October holds home to many awareness campaigns but there are two that stand out the most to me and that is that it is National Bullying Prevention Month and Domestic Violence Awareness Month! I can not stress enough how important it is to educate your children about both being a bully and how not to be bullied. Lets face it, people that bully people are everywhere and they come in all shapes and sizes. Its better to teach the children how to cope with, deal and respect others than to have them grow up to be narcissist who think they can do no wrong or worse, someone that gets bullied non stop.  This is something that has become near and close to my heart since I deal with it every day of my life. PLEASE, make yourself and others around you aware of this and put an end to bullying! The next is Domestic Violence.  Did you know that 1 in 4 women will experience some sort of DV in their lifetime? I refuse to go into much of what my past life entails but I was a victim...

Some clarification

I feel as if I need to maybe state this again. This blog is MY story, it is meant as an outlet to voice things that go on in MY life from dealing with abusers and the many things they may do, say or bestow on me. It is not meant to flame, slander or harass anyone. With that being said... I think there are a few people out there that need to learn what a true bully is, what harassment is, what exactly cyber-stalking and slander is. Let me go into a tad bit of detail on each... Harassment ? HA. I have dealt with this everyday of my life for the last few years from these people. They CONSTANTLY say I am doing things I am not, they lie on me to anyone they may think will side with them and give them pity... Its just crazy! Cyber-Stalking ? I am constantly being followed and if I wasn't then like I asked, how is someone able to know what I posted 9 weeks ago on my PRIVATE INSTAGRAM? Not to mention I have been STALKED in real life... I mean how else did anyone know whee I lived when I mo...

I just don't know why...

This is a direct copy of a post from my other blog... I just don't understand why people can't leave me alone! I was attacked by my ex sister in law yesterday more or less. Out of nowhere the crazy woman starts accusing me of stealing pics of her daughter off of her child's website (we think, not sure). No, I would never do that and have no reason to, have I looked at it? Yes, I have tons of friends that share the status's she makes about her precious daughter and the health issues she has but I have never stolen and would never steal her pics so why she is claiming that makes NO SENSE to me. She then went on to say "I am very upset that this has happened and it has been a portal to hurt others! I do not want to take (child's name) page down because that only means that this person has won." I don't understand what she means by that at all. No one is doing anything to hurt anyone as far as I know? I really think I am lost in all of this honestly. Someo...


Got an email from another mama that is a victim of PA with the name of an attorney in it that is REALLY good. I have always stated I will never ever drag my babies through the mud of a court battle instead I will wait it out, they have brains and they will come to know the REAL TRUTH! BUT, its nice to have people out there that care enough about others to send info like that! And that man works for FREE so if any of y'all that read too would like the info then let me know and I will pass it along I don't want to just throw his name out there! They also sent me this and I really enjoyed reading it... I am sure it is quoted from a website but I am not sure which one! " THE CAMPAIGN OF DENIGRATION The campaign of denigration is an example of the construction of family myths which are used for the purpose of turning a child against a previously loved and loving parent. The child is programmed to believe that her/his other parent is: worthless, selfish, unloving, malevolent, un...

Missed Birthdays

I asked to set up visitation with my daughter for her upcoming birthday and yet again as many times passed I got no response or answer at all. One more for the books but one year closer to the coming of age and the telling of truth! :) I will continue to pray for this family that they act right and do what is right by God.

You're a BULLY

Now just take a moment to read the above statement... Then listen to this! Did you read it or listen? If you did then good. This is so very true! The only thing the people I deal with are interested in is power and domination over me so they can continue years later to victimize me! I am so glad I got out of that DEAD END trap of a "family." I am so in love with the family I have now I can not even begin to put it into words... Before I had a woman whom I used to swear gave birth to Satan as a mother in law (little did I know, SHE DID) and now I have someone who I can call one of my very best friends as a mother in law. I don't have evil lying liar sister in laws but I sure do have a brother in law that I would do anything for! I dont deal with bullies within my family at all, not one bit! We love each other and we build each other up, if one of us is having an issue we dont run and talk behind their backs like my ex family did because we face it head on and feet first in...

Side Effects?

CHILDREN WHO ARE VICTIMS OF PARENTAL ALIENATION OFTEN SUFFER FROM THE FOLLOWING LONG-TERM EFFECTS: Low Self-Esteem & Self-Hatred Lack of Trust Guilt Substance Abuse Depression Anger Is that how you want YOUR children to grow up?!?! Check out :) While I am a woman fighting a man against PA no one is safe from this. While it is true that it is mostly women that keep fathers from their children it is growin in rate for men to do this too! Men are being abusive to their spouses and having their spouse carted off to jail and then lying to obtain custody and keep the mother away so that he cant continue to hold power over both the woman and children while 9 times out of 10 the father could care less about the children. This is what happened in my case so please no matter who you are EDUCATE yourself and don't let this happen to someone you love. It is easy for someone to say "just go to court" but when you are involved in it from the inside it is simply ...

I forgot to mention

So many blog post for today, but it is a new one and I probably should have combined all of my rampant thoughts into one but oh well. Anyways, I forgot to mention that since my ex husband cut off contact and failed to take care of the children on his own I have been making video blogs to my babies! That's right, every single missed birthday, Christmas and any other holiday has been documented via video of me saying hello to them along with telling them how much they are loved and missed! I also keep a record of each and every single time I make contact trying to see them so they will see it wasn't me who didn't try! It really breaks my heart to know that certain people could hate a person so much that they would take a way a right to the child to know each of their parents. It breaks my heart to know there are people out there that think it is ok to behave like this, lie like this and try and drag someone through the mud the way they have. And for what? Because you dont lik...


My ex mother in law always did say she thought my mother was trash for the way she did me when it came to my kids and she would hope God to strike her dead if she ever did anyone that way. So, I am wondering why she is still alive? Just a thought. I feel bad for my babies. Many others have said this to me in the past and I notice too, my children are not taken care of to the best of anyone's ability! They wear ripped, tattered, old and faded clothing and I don't think they have had a pair of name brand shoes since I left and hair cuts are not the norm around that house! In photos they don't look happy, they look like the shell of a child. Someone showed me a video where my son called his dad by name and not dad or daddy, that speaks volumes IMO. Its sad when you see a "family photo" and the kids my ex and his home-wrecker have are dressed nice with nicely groomed hair and then you see my babies who are just wearing what appears to have been picked up off the floor...

No title needed

Like I said I wont be going into back story, I have class unlike my ex husband and I wont be putting things out there that happened in our marriage that led to our demise... I will say though, I can own my demons and I was NOT a perfect wife... However he will never own his, he will always continue to lie about what happened to make himself smell of roses. It is September of 2014 and I have not seen my children since November of 2012 (that was by chance and for ten mins). My ex husband thinks that he does no wrong, he thinks he is some kind of Gods gift to whatever and that he lives right. Well you see he is actually nothing more than a wolf in sheep's clothing. My ex husband will lie all the day long about me, what kind of wife I was and the type of mother I am... Yet he cant take one single piece of blame for anything gone wrong as he is your typical narcissistic human (I use the H word very lightly). When my ex husband and I split he wasn't doing things right, I was try...