
Showing posts from 2016

Merry Christmas Ethan & Kaitlyn

#ParentalAlienation is very real and it is carried out by abusive cowards not just during the holiday season as a tactic to further vilify and victimize the alienated parent but all year long too. I am and have been the victim of not only PA but #DomesticAbuseByProxy and #MaternalDeprivation for years. My ex husband was a lying abusive violent shell of a man that once the relationship ended and he could no longer physically abuse me chose to keep my children from me. My children have suffered their entire childhood and will have lifetime results they will have to deal with due to this monstrous injustice that has taken place against them. Most often people don't think when they make choices concerning their children, they use children as weapons while not realizing one day their ammo will in fact run out. Don't be a jerk, learn to coparent and do what is best for your child/children... not yourself. If you're a step parent, sit down and let the REAL parents of the child/chi...

To the both of you

Him: I completely and totally understand that you alienate me because you know what you did was wrong and abusive and that because of your personal/social downfalls and need to be superior you cant have the truth coming to light. I understand you hate me because my life is better than what you wanted it to be and I forgive you for calling me unwarranted names because you are simply threatened by my existence and the truths that I tell. You can lie to whoever you want, tell the world you did nothing and I am crazy. When our children are old enough and come to me I WILL SHOW THEM everything I have. I have vidoes of you physically beating, making threats to kill me, photos of you and so many other things... What are those kids going to think when they realzie you stole their childhood out of hatred and the need to cover up what YOU did?  Her: I don't forgive you for anything, you are an insane obsessive stalking lying psycho that put herself into a position she had absolutely n...

More stalking by the crazies!!!!!

The ex husbands wife has visited my blog on stop for years... here is just the last 4 months. The ex husband saved my blogs to his work computer (photos below video) then backed them up to a hard drive at his house.  This is where he was stalking me via his work computer. Notice the dates on the screen shot below? This was from an email that was sent to various people at his former place of employment when they questioned me about him stalking me via his work computer.   What is sad is that instead of stalking me, attacking me on Facebook claiming I'm trying to hack their Facebook and "live vicariously through them" they could be putting the wasted time into bettering themselves for the kids involved. They could be working out a parenting plan to better benefit the children they have destroyed. They could be being better adults, parents and all around humans. Instead, they cant overcome the jealousy in order to grow up and maintain any kind healthy p...

Happy 14th Birthday Ethan

Ethan, my sweet boy... One day we will be together on your birthday, one day you will know how much I love you because I will be able to show you. One day you will be free of the monsters that chain you down and lie to you, one day you will be allowed to love freely without fear of abuse from your alienators. One day you will know how much being without you hurts, one day your brothers and sisters will be able to wish you a happy birthday. One day God will right all of these wrongs baby. I love you, I love you with every breath I breathe and every step I take. NO ONE can ever take you from my heart and that is where I carry you.  You are 14 and they have stolen SO MUCH from us without reason ot right. I hope you know how much you are loved, it is beyond measure my sweet boy! We all love you, happy birthday!#EthanJolly #EthanScottJolly #parentalalienation #pas #parentalalienationischildabuse #parentalalienationawareness #parentalalienationsyndrome #maternalalienation #mater...

A few more bits of truth

I have ALWAYS stated my ex lied to have me arrested. I know my words are just that, words. Anyone he tells the story to is made to believe his side and only his, they never take the time to stop and think that he COULD BE lying... Which he in fact is. This post will dive into why I am being alienated, how it happened and why. Recently, I shared my old journal where I privately wrote about things going on in my life those last to years with him. Back then I had it "locked down" to what I thought were true friends that turned out to not be. A few of them had turned on me and were feeding him info in real time as I posted. Which brings me to this... There were a few reasons my ex set me up to be arrested: 1. His girlfriend and her child were essentially homeless and had nowhere to go... He had already twice tried to move her into our home without my knowledge or consent. He even allowed her ass to pack ALL of my belongings, destroy some of mine and my daughters things and d...

Old truths

This in itself speaks volumes... That's my old journal from when everything went to hell leading up to my ex falsely accusing me of abuse and having me removed from my children's lives. A liar is something I'm not. No matter what light he paints me in my sparkle will never dull! I know what I personally loved through and he knows what he did to me. Anyone that downplays or denies it only makes a mockery of the suffering I experienced. That is all. I hope one day my children are able to read my words. Although some are harsh and probably shouldn't have been spoken towards others I am glad there is physical evidence that not everything their "father" claims is true. One day the truth will shine!

The past...

Posted this to instagram and just wanted to share it here. There is also a photo that goes with it but I can't get it to post for some reason! After my ex husbands recent attack on me I have noticed the ONLY thing he can speak poorly of is MY PAST and things he believes me to have done IN MY PAST or lies he's concocted about MY PAST. Notice the keywords if you will.... MY PAST. Nothing my ex said in his bullshit court chase had anything about my present, all he could do was attempt to smear me with THE PAST. He knows nothing of my present and because of that he is threatened. He's an abusive lying manipulative narcissistic sociapath and that's just present that he has to live in daily. I find it awesome that he can't find anything wrong with my present so he must continue to try and drudge up THE PAST! Don't ever judge someone from their past or hold it against them. It will only come back to haunt you, not them. #maternalalienation #parentalalienationis...

Update to the records fiasco

My ex filed a stay in court (against the school board) as you all know to prevent me from obtaining the records. His claim was filled with lies to paint me as an evil person. He called me sporadic, unstable and told many MANY lies to attempt and paint a better picture of himself. My ex will go on and on and on about how I have a violent history and a criminal record. Attached to this post is my "criminal record" as you can see I have  no charges OTHER THAN the incident between myself and my ex. I did plead guilty, I stood no chance in court agaisnt a liar and at that point I was suffering from battered wife's syndrome. I just wanted out of jail and home to my babies and I knew pleading guilty was my ticket home. But no, no criminal record as he and his wife like to state. Anyhow, the school board filed an answer and ultimately my ex and his mother decided to dismiss their case which in turn gave me full access to my children records and educations. I now have the same ...

Quick Update

just a very quick update about the records situation.... This was copied from my facebook page.

I pity her...

I posted this on favebook but I figured I would post here also... Some good points in this. You know... I never thought I'd have to deal with a psycho married to my ex who stalks me through fake profiles and seemingly finds joy in doing so. Even though this "woman" claims to love my children so much she doesn't care to even try to get along with their MOTHER or encourage her husband to co-parent... BUT, instead tries everything she can to prove to ANYONE she can that she's a better mother and wife. Since when is this a competition? Should we not all be working towards the same goal of raising amazing children? Is her life so pathetic that she has to result to bashing a woman and relationship she doesn't know anything about? She has the person she wanted in her life so why isn't that enough? She got my ex husband, he chose her over me (THANK YOU JESUS for that) so why does she continue to act a fool like she has something to prove? She thinks I'm ...

Hello October 2016 and Happy Birthday Katy

My sweet baby girl turned 11 this year! Oh he glorious it would have been to be able to spend that with her! Yet another year stolen! Happy birthday my precious Katy baby! Mama loves you more than you could ever imagine and you are so very missed by everyone. One day it won't be like this my little love, one day everyone will be free to love each other! ❤️ Everyone on this side is doing well! All of your brothers and sisters miss you so incredibly much! I hope you're doing amazing in school! I got your report cards and saw how awesome you've been doing and it makes me so happy! You're doing great! I wonder if you're still doing gymnastics... your little sister has been asking to get into gymnastics and was excited to hear you had done it too! Right now she's really been begging to do soccer so we are going to try that out. I hope and pray that you had an amazing birthday and I hope hat you continue to do well in school! It's almost Halloween! I...

The sin is yours, not mine.


A good father...

A good father would never do any of this, none of it!

A good quote!

"There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known. What you have said in the dark will be heard in the daylight, and what you have whispered in the ear in the inner rooms will be proclaimed from the roofs." Luke 12:2-3 This rings so true. Anyone that has been through PA knows that with a little time everything comes to light. All of the lies told by alienators and all of the games will be found out. The children do not stay little forever and you can not hide them forever. The truth will come out!

A good read

I absolutely love this blog. Just a good read all together. Really puts things into perspective to see alienation from an alienated child's point of view.

So, here I am yall!

I'm so absolutely mad at myself for deleting my email account!!!! I cant believe 4 years of blogging to my babies is gone! I still have the XML file and I am going to try and figure out how to import it so the old post will show here but still, that's not the same... Its not "MY BLOG!" UGH But, it gave me a chance to revamp things, change them around to names I wish I had used in the beginning and a new look... And, that's always a plus! For those of you that are now following me here, I am still alienated. They are trying new tactics now to "keep me away" and its just so sad that all of this has to happen. ALL I want is to see my children and have them know I love them. I am not trying to take them away from anyone or anything I simply want to be a part of the life they already have. It takes a sick selfish individual to keep that from happening for no reason what so ever other than hate, jealousy and pure evilness. I find peace in the fact this nightma...

A few old emails.

I have saved absolutely everything and anything. I never shut down my old email accounts from when I was married to E and K's dad. I have emails upon emails of us going back and forth, proof of abuse, photos and all sorts of things. Here are a few. Please be aware some of them are graphic and disheartening. This email was written days after I had my twins. My ex husband attacked me in our kitchen to the point I ended up in the hospital having had to have my c section put back together. This was my email to him about that, I had filed papers to separate myself from him and he had begged me not to. This is one of the many random emails I wrote to him describing how I was sick and tired of the treatment and wanted out. This email was written after a physical altercation at his parents house when I tried to take my child and leave. They didnt want me to take him and tried to FORCEFULLY take him from me. His dad hit me and knocked me to the ground (there is a police report). I ended up ...

Its been a while

Since I have updated but that does not mean things havent been happening. First and foremost let me say this: It is absolutely disgusting to me to know that these people continue to alienate my children from me when I am able, willing and ready to love them and be a mother. They do it out of pure hate and in doing so have stolen the childhood of my precious babies! With that being said, today I obtained some records and court documents pertaining to my children. They (of course) are riddled with lies on behalf of the grandmother and filled with contradictions. It seems as if granmommy and "daddy" cant keep their stories in line or decided which lie is better to tell. This is a comment left on my instagram from their father in March of this year. Please notice how he states I was allowed contact but never made it and that I in fact alienated myself in doing so. He states I lied about the hospital and that is refuted in this post  But his mother (the guardian...

Back to school 2016

I am so excited for you guys! You start school later today and I can only pray that this year is amazing! I so wish I could be there to send you off and wish you well today! Love your mana

And even more lies

My ex stated that I am lying about having had procedures done at the end of 2010 and about anything wrong with me. Again, he is a liar. I found out I was sick again at the end of 2009 which is also when he decided to bed down with his whore. I started treatment that was interrupted due to his lies that landed me in jail and then I picked it back up and was able to have surgery at the end of 2010. Our divorce was final 12-27-2010 so I was in fact undergoing treatment at the time of our final hearing and unable to attend. I was ok with it because I knew he didn't have custody and the children were already not in his care. There was nothing to fight him for and at this time I never imagined someone that claims to love them would keep them from me. Here are screen shots from my then facebook. These are from my Facebook when I was married to him. They are direct photos of old status's. This was when we told the kids I was sick, he then tried to run me over with his ...

well now.

I'll just leave this here. She's talking about me, in 2009 when she was sleeping with my then husband. What a way to talk about the mother of the children that belong to the man you were so in love with.  Fucking piece of trash. And that brother of yours? So damn classy... And racist. 

New look here too!

I had been using the default blog design template for this blog since I started it! NO MORE! It actually looks decent now. Clean lines and straight to the point! Yay, I like it!


I hope you guys are having an amazing summer! We are trucking along over here just living life. Maddox and Mady are very excited about entering the 3rd grade and then you have James and Sarah going into 10th! Super exciting things going on around here.  We are trying to plan our family trip right now and picking between Disney and a Lodge in Tn. We are leaning more towards the lodge because we really want to do mountains but we will see! Sure wish you guys could go, hopefully soon we will all be able to enjoy each other on vacation!  It's almost school time so we are getting ready for that too, lots of stuff to be bought and get together.  I hope you guys are loving summer and having fun!  We love you! 

But they don't lie or alienate.

This is how a child is talked to when asking how her brother and sister are. A child. A grown ass woman talked to a 14 year old child like this.  But, they aren't alienators. No way.  I am hoping everyone can make out what this says, I do not have a copy on hand at the location I am writing this blog. This states that while my ex was awarded "legal custody" due to my failure to show up at divorce court his custody is trumped by letters of guardianship filed and signed by me prior to any of this. It also states that I and he are to go through the GUARDIANS of the children to set up visitation. He refuses to do this citing he has the ultimate say. His mother will not respond to ANY of my efforts to set up visitation and instead forward the emails to her son who then denies me. Many of you have asked how he gets away with it and this is how, there is nothing saying I am to see them so he can pretty much abuse the situation and deny me. I can take it back to c...

Blog full of lies.

(Copied from another place)  This was sent to me like many things are. It is a excerpt from my ex husbands new wife's blog. And this is my response.  I can only guess she is now denying they have EVER alienated me and I'm the horrible person that hurt my kids so my kids are now choosing not to see me.  Sucks for her I have proof I never hurt anyone much less my children and she is nothing more than an idiotic liar. I have begged, pleaded and done everything else I know of to see my children yet I'm denied.  My kids are not your step children, they do not live with you and you do not parent them. Why can't you understand this? Your husband has two children wth another woman and they live at his parents home. That doesn't make you a step mother sweetie. Not at all.  You are right on one thing and that is you're not terrible person, anyone that would separate a mother from their child and not encourage a healthy relationship is bey...

Summer time!!

I hope you guys enjoy your summer!!!! I can't believe it's already here, this last school year literally flew by!  I love you both and I hope this summer brings you much fun! ❤️

Vengeful Fathers Syndrome

This entire article could not ring more true.  This is/was my life. Such a shame that "fathers" think they have the right to severe a mother and children's relationship. God will get you, I don't have to. 

Mothers Day 2016

Yes another holiday stolen.  I hope the two of you had an amazing day! I hope you know that I love you to the moon and back and would have given my life to have spent the day with you. I hope you are bother doing great in school! Not too long now and it will be time for summer break!  I love you, your ONLY mother. 

Just a little note

I love you Ethan and Kaitlyn!

Something you jolly people should know.

You will be hated.  You will be the liars.  You will be who they want nothing to do with.  You will be alienated but not by me but, by the very children you held prisoners from me for so long. 

Spring Break 2016

I hope you guys an an awesome Spring Break this year! Not much longer and it's SUMMER TIME!  I love you and miss you guys so much.  Love, Your ONLY mother. ❤️

You keep looking...

You continue to come to my page and steal my photos, why? Why can't you just move on with your life you claim you love and realize I am happy in life without you and let me see my children?  You claim you don't ever look at anything of mine but the proof is in the pudding that YOU DO!  What are you going to tell our children when they ask you why you wouldn't let me see them? I'm not being quiet now and I am infiltrating the Internet with my story, even if I die before reunification they'll know both sides of the story and they will grow to realize you're a liar.  Stay away from my pages unless you are trying to make contact about setting up a parenting plan. 

Woohoo Ethan!

PThis was just sent to me! Go Ethan!!! I am so proud of you, I would give what's left of my life for one day of yours! I would have loved to have seen you win this! I am so SO proud of you! ❤️ Here is a link to read more!

Easter 2016

This is the 7th Easter that has been stolen from us because of vendictive people with alterior motives. I hope and pray this year was amazing! I hope you had a good day at church and I hope the bunny was good to you! I love you Ethan Jolly & Kaitlyn Jolly and miss you terribly... It is almost over my sweet loves, we are on the down hill slide and soon this will all be nothing more than a horrible memory. 

A funeral and a attitude

My kids pop passes away. My heart is with my children and I hope they find peace. What I find disgusting is the fact this family can't even receive a condolence without being nasty. I sent flowers, they were not at the grave. I checked. Disgusting is the only world I can bring forth at this time. I also signed the guest book to let my children know I was indeed with their hearts!  Adding to this post. My comment was deleted off of the legacy obituary page as of 3-26 so I reposted. 


 I hope you know Ethan I would have laid down and died to be able to go with you to this. I pray that you never think I didn't want these moments with you, I pray that one day you’re told the truth. Ashley, thank you for stepping in for me when I was refused the right to go. Even though you are the spawn of evil and nothing short of a liar from hell I appreciate you "being there" for my babies. I only pray that you could see the flaw in your ways and do what is right. Imagine how you would feel if this were down to you.  I pray everyday that you remember me. I pray that you know that none of this was my choice.  I love you. 

When they just won't stop.

Yesterday my ex husband and his idiot attacked me on my Instagram. Here are the messages. I asked him over and over again to stop, go away, stop commenting and co parent. He did none of the above. All he did do was fling insults, false accusations and lies non stop.  There is so much more but this is the condensed version. My Instagram is public. Anyone can see it.  :-)